Hard Money Loan Florida Miami 33156


Hard Money Loan Florida Miami What is hard money loan? A hard money loan is a loan given to your borrower from a lender based primarily on the value of the collateralized asset that is underlying. Traditional banks and lenders focus primarily on the credit and income of the borrower where asset based lenders aka hard money lenders focus primarily on the worth of the asset being used as collateral for the loan. Where traditional loans are generally for 15–20 year terms, hard money loans are used as a temporary solution (1–3 years usually) as a bridge to acquire a rehab, or …

What is a lien?

David Di Natalehard money loans

What is a lien? A lien is a notice attached to your property which puts everyone on constructive notice that a creditor has a claim.  A lien is typically a filed and recorded in the county public records (if involving real property) or with the secretary of state (if involving personal property). Why does a lien help a creditor? Well… in order to sell or refinance the property, the borrower’s lender is going to require clear title on the property as a prerequisite to the loan. Thus, a lien existing on your house has the negative effect of clouding the title and …

How to earn 8.5%+ APR without investing in the stock market

David Di Natalehard money loans

How to make over 8.5% APR return on your money without investing in the stock market Are you tired of logging into your investment account or IRA each week only to see that you’re losing money! I mean your “financial advisor” put you in the most diversified and conservative portfolio with the “lowest fee’s” so what’s going on? Well, here’s the deal… since the end of 2014 the only people making money in the stock market have been the advisors and brokerage houses who are collecting the fee’s off your portfolio. Since December of 2014 until today if you just …